
Andy Parsons - i bet he's even funny on the toilet
Jo Caulfield
Lucy Porter - she's got comedy brainz
Shappi Khorsandi
Alan Carr [all except his stand-up routine?]
Michael MacIntyre
Rhod Gilbert
... will be updated.

*for their work on comedy panels; not discussing stand-up here.

Bearly thinking.

... i'm devastated looking at some articles and their use of the concept of "tag".

Tags are to.. order things, to easily find what you need and create groups of  similar objects. But internuts often get bedazzled and not only "don't" choose the best/most suggestive use of tags, but go for stupid ones.

Like.. let's say you were writing 20 stories about bears. The most useful tag that should unite those in a blog of about 2000 posts is "bear" or ... "stories on bear", "abearations" -or something similar.

But no. Looking at blogs i see tags like  - one story has "Martin" [as a name of the main bear], one has "brown bear",  one "Jimmy" and so on. That means 20 tags. ... Not smart.

Or i see something like 13 stories tagged "bear", 4 tagged "baer", 2 tagged "bears", "critters of the bear type" or something like it. It's a computer, numbnut :P It won't see that "bear" and "bears" are the same [...yet]. You end up with a list of 5 tags.

People are self-sabotaging idiots.

Works for me, works for the other blogkeeper around here.
 Works for you, too.

Argue against it.
"Really ain't no time to let the time go away!"

With a breaking heart, Travis is forced to shoot Yeller

Might have been a little "ruf" on dogs back there. I'm sorry.

Of course dogs were domesticated to protect and warn us of predators blah blah. [*]
Then "modern society" happened and maybe we should have... umm, reevaluated the whole thing? Cause... i know people pass on the street without a darn animal "passerby alarm" [who makes Energizer look as longlasting as me running a marathon] continuously shrieking every night.

[*] I'm sure they also taste good.

... I love them anyways. They're oh so playful!

the cool dogs are spelled dawg and they're bipeds

Does a cool cat know he's cool?

Who coined the term "cool cat"?
Why come up with a term anyway? One look at dogs and you'll never be able to simply say "cat" anyway. [*]

[*] dogs are more likely to be met making it thus more cost effective to add "cool" to "cat" than "lame, disgraceful, desperate for attention and needy" to "dog".
Oh, wait... they replaced that with "playful".

Death, as classic as it gets.

People have an innate strong shallow desire to show respect. Gives them the sensation they're valuable for appreciating "real value"...

Be it something classic like a show ["johnny Quest - it'll never die!"] Well of course it won't be erased from existence... But in time lesser and lesser people will remember it. ..Sorry, but it kinda dies. [That doesn't make it a less-worthy of appreciation show]

"He'll never be forgotten" . So a famous guy dies. Next comes the army of avatars baring his face. Be it Patrick Swayze or Dani Jarque, whomever... thousands of people feel the need to show appreciation for the recently passed "one of the best actors/musicians/players ever". We sure lose one of those often nowadays. 
 Q: Had the guy not died would at least ONE guy use his picture as an avatar?  

Miki calls bullshit. 
And hypocrisy on the so-called appreciators cause a time comes when you take off that Swayze avatar and replace it with some big boobs or a football. That's a kick in ol' dead Swayze's nuts right there if i saw one.